About complex problem solving

Recently, I was asked by an initiative called Latest Thinking to tell something about my research for a broader audience – now it is ready: an open access video for the public audience! Here comes the summary:

„Decision-making in a complex world is a challenge. Some people are better at it than others. Why is this so? JOACHIM FUNKE focuses his research on identifying those character traits that can be trained or changed and that help people to improve their decision-making behavior. For this, Funke and his team need to identify the personality traits of their study participants and they use simulated situations to analyze their decision-making behavior. In this way, they find the conditions for success and failure. One of the results is that intelligence alone is not sufficient; participants also need emotional regulation strategies to deal with complex situations. The researchers also observed that two conditions tend to lead to failure: too narrow a focus and neglecting to follow up your decisions. These findings suggest ways to train people’s abilities to face the complex decision-making challenges of the twenty-first century.“

Here is the link to the video (LT Video Publication DOI): https://doi.org/10.21036/LTPUB10567


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