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Beendete Drittmittel-Forschung

HeiAge: Assistenzsysteme und digitale Technologien zur Verbesserung der Mobilität im Alter (PI: Katja Mombaur, IWR; Projekt gefördert von der Carl-Zeiss Stiftung 2018-2024)

BMBF InReakt (Urbane Sicherheit; BMBF-Projekt 2013-2016)

Self-Regulation of common property resources: Working memory capacity – Can there be too much of a good thing? (together with Timo Goeschl; DFG-Projekt 2016-2017, DFG Excellence Initiative, FoF4)

Self-Regulation of common property resources: Cognitive prerequisites for system sustainability (together with Timo Goeschl; DFG-Projekt 2014-2016, DFG Excellence Initiative, FoF4)

BMBF FACETTEN (Dynamisches Problemlösen als fachübergreifende Kompetenz: Entwicklung eines individualdiagnostischen Facettendiagnosticums; BMBF-Projekt 2010-2014)

BMBF LSA (Large-Scale-Assessment; BMBF-Projekt 2012-2015)

DFG Problem-Solving Competencies (Problemlösediagnostik; DFG-Projekt 2007-2009 and 2010-2014)

HeiKA 2013 (Combining Statistical and Computational Modeling Approaches for User State Prediction; Exzellenzinitive-Projekt 2013)

BMBF ADIS (Intentionsdiagnostik; BMBF-Projekt 2010-2013)

BMBF CLIMAGE (Klimaschutzpolitik in alternden Gesellschaften; BMBF-Projekt 2010-2013)

BMBF CPS (Komplexes Problemlösen; BMFT-Projekt 2007-2009)

BMBF OPTIMANU (Optimization of VCR manuals; Industry and BMFT project 1990-1993)

DFG Geographic System Competency (geographische Systemkompetenz; DFG-Projekt 2009-2011)

DFG ALFA (Analysis of learning processes within finite state automata; DFG project 1992-1996)

DFG DYNAMIS (Dynamic Systems; DFG project 1986-1990)

DFG SMT (Script Monitoring Test; DFG project 1994-1996)

DFG KOVALT (Construct validation of learning tests; DFG project 1990-1993; together with Jürgen Guthke)

Marsilius-Project Geo-Engineering (Interdisciplinary research on climate engineering 2009-2012)

DRK Hotline-Schulung (Katastrophenmanagement; Projekt des DRK 2007-2008)

Graduiertenkolleg Goals and Preferences (2007-2009), http://www.goalsandpreferences.uni-hd.de/

„NeuroCog“ working group, funded by Dietmar-Hopp-Stiftung 09/2005 ff. (Principal Investigator: Prof. Werner Hacke)

Coaching-Projekt (Problemlösen; Projekt der Breuninger-Stiftung 2005-2007)

ELCI (Electronic Cities; State Ministry NRW 1997; together with Thomas Krüger)

EU KAUDYTE (Knowledge Acquisition in Dynamic Task Environments; EU project 1989-1992)

EU ROHMI (Robust Human-Machine Interaction; EU project 1994-1997)

EU TSER (European Approaches to Problem Solving; EU project 1998-2000)