Complex Cognition: Beiträge gesucht

Nachdem im letzten Jahr ein erster Versuch zur Etablierung eines DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms zum Thema „Komplexe Kognition“ gescheitert war (siehe, nehmen wir – Ute Schmid (Bamberg), Marco Ragni (Freiburg), Coty Gonzalez (Pittsburgh) und ich – jetzt einen etwas anderen Anlauf: die Herausgabe eines einschlägigen Themenhefts. Hier der „Call for Papers“, der an verschiedenen Stellen über einschlägige Mailing-Listen verbreitet wurde:

In: Cognitive Systems Research, Elsevier <

Guest Editors:
Ute Schmid (University of Bamberg, Germany)
Marco Ragni (University of Freiburg, Germany)
Joachim Funke (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
Coty Gonzalez (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA)

Theme of the Special Issue

Dealing with complexity has become one of the great challenges for modern information societies. To reason and decide, plan and act in complex domains is no longer limited to highly specialized professionals in restricted areas such as medical diagnosis, controlling technical processes, or serious game playing. Complexity has reached everyday life and affects people in such mundane activities as buying a train ticket, investing money, or connecting a home desktop to the internet. Interdisciplinary research on cognitive foundations and formal and algorithmical approaches of cognitive systems can address this challenge by providing insights in the mechanisms which can enable human and artificial systems to decide, reason, plan and act in complex domains.

Research which contributes to the topic of complex cognition is done in the context of cognitive architectures, automated planning and reasoning, decision support, and assistance systems. The special issue addresses basic mechanisms of complex cognitive systems as well as applications in arbitrary complex domains. It is open but not restricted to work in
* reasoning in complex domains
* learning from problem solving experience
* planning and problem solving in dynamic environments
* automated decision making and cognitive assistance systems.

Call for Papers

Anybody with research contributions relevant to the topics given above is invited to notify the guest editors of his/her interest to submit a paper by sending a tentative title, list of authors and a short abstract by November 30, 2009 to <  Full papers are also submitted by email to < (not to the editors directly). Submission deadline is March 29, 2010. Submitted papers should contain original and unpublished work and should not  exceed 30 pages including tables and figures. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically in PDF format in accordance with the Elsevier guidelines. Please use the generic Elsevier style elsart available from < to prepare the Latex file.  All submitted papers will be refereed in a single-blind review process in terms of their originality, the methodological soundness, the clearness of the presented results and conclusions and the relevancy of the submission for the special issue.

Important Dates

Abstract 30th November, 2009; Submission 29th March, 2010; Notification 3rd May, 2010; Camera Ready 7th June, 2010

Board of Reviewers (to be completed)

Ruth Byrne (University of Dublin, Ireland); Claus-Christian Carbon (University of Bamberg, Germany); Ken Forbus (Northwestern University, USA); Hector Geffner (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain); Joachim Hertzberg (University of Osnabrueck, Germany); Pascal Hitzler (Wright State University, USA); Markus Knauff (University of Giessen, Germany); Guenther Knoblich (Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands); Kai-Uwe Kühnberger (University of Osnabrück, Germany); John Laird (University of Michigan, USA); Pat Langley (Arizona State University, USA); Christian Lebiere (Carnegie Mellon University, USA); Bernhard Nebel (University of Freiburg, Germany); Christoph Schlieder (University of Bamberg, Germany); Niels Taatgen (University of Groningen, The Netherlands); Iris van Rooij (University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands)

Wir freuen uns auf interessante Beiträge, die das Thema „Komplexe Kognition“ stark machen!

